Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Am Surrounded by 'No'

I cannot believe the people around me. Nobody can do anything. Everybody's got a justification for doing nothing. Everybody knows why they can't do something.

People give themselves permission to say no too much.

I'm tired of it. I'm really really tired of it.

I'm not saying everybody. And I'm not saying all the time. But my kid — like all kids,  I'm sure — buys into no. "I can't," she says. But she's wrong! She can! She's just a lazy little punk!

There are legit reasons to say no to doing stuff. Injury is one I'm well aware of. It makes me nuts to have to say no to running for the time being. Nuts, I tell you. But to say no just because makes me nutser. It's not legitimate! It's not cogent! It's stupid!

Look, I like indoor activities. I like to watch movies, I love watching Doctor Who, I love writing on my comically large computer screen, I love playing cards with my family. But it's not enough. It's just not. I'm not talking about well-roundedness here, but that counts, too. I'm saying that too much being indoors watching movies and sitting in a chair turns my attitude sour and my body freaks out and starts twitching.

Quick aside, here: restless leg syndrome is, I think, bullshit. I've had a restless leg from time to time, and for me, inactivity is the only thing I can blame it on, and activity is the only fix. Because I don't believe I am much different from other people, and I know what fixes it for me, I know what fixes it for everybody. That's one mystery solved. You're welcome, you ingrates.

Where was I? Oh, right, watching movies. Movies are good, but like any good thing, too much can make you a fat ugly leg twitching greaseball. I temper my sitting around with bouts to the gym where I lift weights or swim or pretend to run on an elliptical machine.

Oh, I know you can't go to the gym. Know why you can't? Because you're full of no that's why. If you wanted to go, you'd go. You'd find a way. That's how people are. We go to work so we can afford to eat and have a nice place to live. You want a nicer place? You go to school and get a degree and become a financial advisor. That's got the added benefit that you don't have to work, either.

Everything that's wrong with people is really just wrong with their attitudes. When it's ok to say no it's pretty damn easy to say yes to another Ding Dong or deep fried Twinkie, isn't it? It's inertia, and I'm pretty sure that's been proven.

Find a way to say yes. Life feels better when you do something with it.

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